Help old Konqi to bring more KDE Software to MS Windows, MacOSX, Android and other platforms. The registration for the Randa Meetings 2016 is going to close tomorrow. From this point on we will work on the travel budget and to get it approved so people can buy their tickets soon.
And here again the main topic for RM2016: multi-platform end-user application development. This includes stuff like improving KDE Frameworks 5 (KF5) on other platforms like Microsoft Windows, Android or Apple’s MacOSX, presenting and discussing how software distribution works on other systems than GNU/Linux (Windows installers, app stores and application bundles) and learning from the experience projects like Krita, digiKam, Rkward, Kdenlive & Co collected. We’d like to bring this information to more KDE Applications and work on this during a full week.
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